More Reasons to Bake:
Toilet paper shortage, seriously people?
My kids think we’re on Spring Break but we’re gonna be here a while 3/20
Mailing N95 masks to hospital workers 4/20
Celebrity bookshelves
Howling at 8:00pm
Federal police violently clear out protesters making way for idiot-showman’s bible-grabbing photo op. 6/1/20
U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testifies before a House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on bullshit slowdowns at the Postal Service ahead of the November elections. 8/24/20
The-Sky-Is-Orange 9/9/20
Ash on my windshield 9/20
The cops who killed her walk. 9/23/20
Remember when the Mueller report was a big deal?
Biweekly Certification of Unemployment Insurance
I want to move and he doesn’t.
The teacher can’t call on the girl with bad wifi connection; her parents can’t afford a new plan
Walking past a discarded mask laying in the gutter. Latex glove in a parking lot.
Rolling Power Shut Offs/ High Wind Advisory
“Widespread haze. Patchy smoke. Sunny and hot with a high of 99. Winds could gust as high as 25 miles per hour.” 9/26/20
DIY pandemic haircuts
I parked behind a Q-anon bumper sticker.
Zoom Back to School Night
Drive-by school picture day
The front office calls to check on my kids’ attendance, again
Marking oneself as “safe” on Facebook
Pod-school inequity guilt
Amazon shopping guilt
Mike Pence just said there’s no such thing as implicit bias. VP debates 10/7/20
545 children separated from parents three years ago by heartless policy have yet to be reunited. Feeling helpless.
250,000 and counting…
I had big plans for this lock-down, but mostly I just baked.